Looks like maybe there was a webservice problem on 08/07 - found error logs in animal module around the same time when eService instanceID for AN # 0 was created.


To fix the issue, a new animal number needs to be created in the system and the receipt has to be reallocated to the new animal number.


I have tried this in your TEST environment via the below steps:


1. AN # 0 has to be maintained first to update the microchip ID (added 'x' in the ID number) as you cannot use the ID to another Animal number when you try to create one.
Once updated, a new animal can now be entered in i_an020. After filling in the required fields, Click OK.

2. i_an011 will pop up, click Process and another screen will pop with the new animal # (it may be a different number when you do this in LIVE)
Then click OK

Click YES

New AN created. Close the window.


3. To reallocate the receipt to the new AN # - this can be done via i_re055
Find the receipt (receipt # 1141998) then OK

4. Click Update:

5. Tick the reallocation check box, then click 

6. i_re055 will pop and click Update

7. In update mode, 

8. tab to Account number and enter the new Animal # created in Step 2, then click OK (take note of the Batch ID)

Click YES

Close this screen.

8. check i_re019 and enter the batch ID , make sure status is POSTED and you will be able to find the new receipt in the line details section - Agency Receipt # 

9. Verify the new Animal # and it should be flagged as registered with the new receipt number.
The new receipt will  be included in the end of day process 

10. Animal 0 will be flagged unregistered. Let me know once completed as I will have to remove it in the system via a data fix.
