Tickets number for reference #INC-27988 and #INC-28088
1. The below error occurred during LIVE to TEST data restoration. “auttest” was successfully restored but when I was doing an “awptest” the below error occurred.
Using the Activity Monitor in SQL, someone has a query connected to that database from COBWIN10-5, which they haven’t exited and it’s preventing me from getting exclusive access to restore the database.
I can either, get that person to close their query, or simply right-click on the process in the activity monitor in SQL and kill it. Once no other processes are holding the DB the restore should work.
I killed that query, because I couldn’t find who the query was. Now the “awptest” data is restored successfully.
2. The below error occurred in Server SQL Studio at the start again the service:
There must be an auto-restart process somewhere @ Moira, I’ve noticed this too. As it says it’s already running, if you’ve restarted the app pools and task in the API server, just see if Authority TEST is running by launching it. If so all good, but if not do a wasservice -stop test first and then restart again but wasservice – start test. That message is just telling you it’s already running and you can’t start a service that’s already started.
I only have to do that if TEST isn’t running … need to check that before stopping and restarting? It’s quicker to check it first because if it’s running, I won’t have to stop/start websphere again.
Yes, I restarted the app pools and task in the API server, just to see if Authority TEST is running by launching it. but it did not it “Service unavailable” Then I followed the wasservice -stop test first and then restarted again but wasservice – start test.
Solution: fixed the problem
3. When copying from Live to test backup. The test backup space was full.
So I have deleted the old file (21/04/2024) authlive and awplive from the backend
4. I was facing an error while logging into COBAUTHAPPTEST remotely: I entirely closed the screen, make sure l connected the "global product" and sign-out properly, and Logged in again like the new environment and it fixed this issue.
This problem was also fixed after followed correct Syntax: